Poojitha Tanjore

Poojitha Tanjore is a senior in the International Relations Honors Joint Degree Program with William & Mary and the University of St. Andrews.  Although she grew up in Ashburn, Virginia, she has also lived in Scotland as part of the joint degree and in Germany as a Junior Ambassador for the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange. Poojitha is passionate about literacy and became a published author with New Degree Press in 2021 for her novel Rules of the Red Book.  Additionally, she has interned at the U.S. Consulate in Hamburg, Germany, for the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and Environmental and Scientific Affairs, the Department of the Treasury, and the National Council of U.S. Arab Relations.  Throughout her undergraduate experience, Poojitha has worked as a research assistant for AidData, a teaching assistant for the German department, and a mentor for youth at local Williamsburg schools and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is passionate about powerlifting, Olympic lifting, CrossFit, women’s rights, and youth advocacy.  She is excited to continue her career in intercultural exchange and grassroots diplomacy as a USAID Foreign Service Officer after pursuing a master’s degree in international relations with specializations in international development and humanitarian assistance.